Archive for June 11th, 2007


I’ve been “Intelligent Singaporeaned”!

June 11, 2007

Erm… My post ‘I’m sorry I’m slow but I’m just a giant reflective orange triangle‘ is on The Intelligent Singaporean (under Singapore Surf).

Hmm…. I thought that place was for all those insightful political posts and ‘cheem’ (intellectual) stuff like that?

Well anyway, congratulations to me!


Musings at 3 a.m.

June 11, 2007

At 3 a.m., the roads are deliciously empty and I almost can’t resist taking my Z-kia out for a spin. But I have to control myself, unless I want to seriously mess up my work performance tomorrow (but at least they’re not that anal about people taking naps).

I’m not exactly in the best of situations for a new rider, I’m only able to ride once a week due to work commitments I can’t back out of. Although technically I have the whole weekend free, part of it has to go towards fulfilling little chores such as inching a trolley through crowds of people at the free-Sunday-parking (therefore crowded) NTUC Xtra hypermart to buy groceries to feed my hungry family, catching up on sleep, doing my weekend blog posts (it’s not my policy to blog during working hours) though I’m not actually sure who reads them (I know there are readers, just that I don’t know who/how many of them there are). Well, anyway it puts money in the bank.

It’s kind of frustrating, leaving your motorbike for the whole week without touching it at all, and knowing you won’t be able to touch it until the weekend for the next few months. Then when you finally get to touch the damned thing, it’s hell to start it cause you haven’t ridden it for so long, you’re not sure if leaving it for so long will affect the bike’s performance in the long run and anyway it’s driving you nuts cause your progress is slower than a grandmother bouncing uphill on her head.

It’s not an option to ride home from work as after work, I am usually dead tired. Riding when tired is not a good idea. Riding when tired and groggy is a worse idea. Riding when you don’t even trust yourself to go down a flight of stairs safely is an absolutely terrible idea and I don’t want to be next to you when it happens. What’s more, I’ll have to fight the after-work traffic jam all the way home.
If the other drivers are as tired as I am, this giant reflective orange triangle doesn’t want to be anywhere near them.
Biking is something you do when you’re happy, not when you’re grumpy and sleepy.

I guess it’s back to the BMW (bus, motorcycle, walk) for a pretty long time. I don’t really ride the MRT much now cause I don’t really go anywhere far, and anyway you stop riding the MRT when you have bus concession.

On the bright side, a biker (especially a new one) could always do with an extra bit of patience.