Archive for May, 2008


Gambit Orientation Day I

May 27, 2008

It’s Gambit orientation week. Today was the first day.

We played lots of orientation games today. I was pleasantly surprised that they weren’t the kind of usual “humilate people” orientation games. Nerds rock 😀

Saw a fellow biker girl. However she looked ‘dao’ (arrogant) so I didn’t talk to her. She introduced herself as liking “riding at night and racing”. “Lacer” wor!!!
Wonder whether she’s actually racing (track or illegal) or just speeding on roads? Haha sorry, people who do motorsports tend not to take the word ‘racing’ lightly cause real racing requires a mammoth ammount of commitment and cash, especially in sunny Singapore where there are not many sponsors available anyway.
For me, I don’t race. I just ride trail 🙂

Wnd I found out that Muthu will be giving one of the talks! Haha I can shock her like OMG WHY IS SATAN IN THE AUDIENCE?!!!!


Call for donations: SATan’s off-road fund

May 26, 2008

SATan needs:

A pair of MX pants (she’s already torn her jeans, burnt her calf, think it’s time to get a pair)
New glasses (no I mean really)
MX Helmet (to fit the goggles)

Knut needs:

Front brake lever again (buying 2 of them) $14 each
Needs to get his headlight looked at


Runway Cycling 2008 + Meetup with Addie

May 26, 2008

Yesterday was Runway Cycling 2008!

It was the first time I’d actually brought my own bicycle to Runway Cycling. Surprisingly the ride there only took 45 mins and the roads were nice and empty, ok duh cause it was a Sunday and no one was working.

People in party: Me, Sis, Evon, Gwen
Non-people in party: Swifty, Nexus (Sis’s bike), my blades, Gwen’s blades, Gwen’s famous pink umbrella

Me, sis and Evon came early. I lent Evon blades, meaning I had to cycle there like a mountain tortoise carrying blades on my back. We (me and sis) completed the 15km (not the Endurance) this year, since we can’t cycle there, ride 45km and still come back right? Especially after all that dirt-riding yesterday? (Ok, I’m a wimp. I know)

Gwen and Evon bladed not even 1km and then came back lol

As usual: Lot’s of swee bikes and some hot girls.

Not as usual: The goodie bags are getting crappier and crappier and this year it only contained a bottle of water, a phone ‘keychain’ and a lot of useless vouchers 😦
However there was free tao huey zhui. 🙂

Anyway I had hurting legs to match my hurting arms and everything hurt so much I didn’t feel like riding Knut out later.

Went out with Addie in the evening to Starbucks. It was great seeing her again 🙂
Thanks for the tips for my sis, will tell her to go Starbucks more lol



May 24, 2008

One of the guys who was riding with me today broke his collar bone O_o

Cause I went home after the first round and they decided to go in again after lunch on a more challenging trail… and since I was a newbie I ‘zi dong’ go home, then now I received news that he got injured.


Hope he’s alright.


TM trail 24 May

May 24, 2008



  • fuel tank fairing thing came off when I banged into a tree. Is tied on with cable ties now.
  • Brake lever was twisted, now has a crack in it when helpful friend tried to bend it straight again.
  • Because of brake lever, brake light is now perpetually on.
  • Headlight is either high beam, or nothing,
  • Signal lights couldn’t cancel, but was solved with a bit of RP7.


  • some bruises and scratches
  • broke my glasses beyond repair. Am now wearing nerdy spare glasses.
  • helmet has some minor scratches, meaning that it has sustained some mild impact.
  • Tore my jeans
  • Injured my tongue. I don’t know how.
  • Now will have a nervous breakdown every time you mention the word “sand” to me. IHATESANDIHATESANDIHATESAND take that sand away from me nooooooo 😦

Memorable crashes:

  • In soft sand, flew over the handlebars, tore pants, broke glasses, scratched helmet, scratches and bruises, injured tongue(?)
  • Banged into a tree, forced fairing away from fuel tank, screw broke.

Memorable incidents:

  • Major jam on SLE. Accident. Could see smoke and smell funny smells. Ended up riding on road shoulder.
  • Friend was 1hr late… but never mind la. There were many other bikers around to talk to.
  • Rode through a path that had cattails growing on both sides, was really beautiful… looked like a scene out of a movie 🙂
  • Found a secret beach! Lovely clear water, no other people in sight, even has a plastic chair to sit down on… mmm. Unfortunately, that also means theres a lot of sand 😦
  • Met A LOT (line seemed to go on forever) of 4wds on the way out. The people looked comfortable in their vehicles. Unfortunately they were all stuck and not moving, cause I dunno why. I wonder how fun that is, following the bum of the car in front of you and ambling along at an extremely slow speed -_-

Would upload the pictures if it wasn’t such a pain in the ass. (My com doesn’t have bluetooth)



May 22, 2008

Bikes and cars are like dollhouses for men. There’s always a wide selection of new (and sometimes kinda unnecessary) stuff you can buy for them and deep down, the main purpose of zhnging the vehicle is so that it will give you a good feeling when you look at it… like woah I spent so much on this thing and it’s so “swee” and nice now.

Women zhng… um…. themselves.


Oh no not again

May 22, 2008

My sis is cute.

Remember that time I bough a brand new brake lever?

Well not even a month into getting it, my sis dropped the bike and twisted it. LOL

Today I bought yet another brake lever, and a pair of handguards to protect them. Acerbis ones leh, no joke. Very bling bling de.

Damage: Brake lever $14, Acerbis Flag handguards $30, standard bar mounting kit $30.



May 21, 2008

Saw this kid riding one. Cute, but I wouldn’t trade either Knut or Swifty for one though…



May 18, 2008

Once my sister asked me why I indicated that I was bi in my Facebook account and I had to think very hard before I could answer her, especially cause my last relationship was with a guy.

Ok the reason is: If someone was interested in me and I was interested in her I wouldn’t turn her away just because she was a girl.
I think that is the most relaxed interpretation of being bisexual I have come across… so real bisexual people come throw rocks at me now lol

But it’s getting harder and harder to find girls that are loveable.
Normal loveable yes, but it’s hard to find especially attractive and strong (we’re talking personality here) ones.
On the other hand, I have also come across some guys who are not loveable at all.

In my opinion, personality and compatibility is more important in a relationship than superficial things like gender, age etc. and that’s why I put my status as bisexual.

Yeah so that’s it.


Fuck it

May 16, 2008

What use are birthdays if they only serve to make you feel worse than you usually feel?
I hate birthdays cause they just expect you to be happy even though you’re feeling terrible.

What do you do if you have a bad feeling that doesn’t go away?
Usually I’d just blast it out with Knut on the expressway and chiong, if you hear nothing but the wind and see nothing but the blur the assault on your senses is enough to knock anything right out of your heart, no matter how deep it tries to stay.
And just blast until it ‘s gone.
But now I can’t blast it away cause my aunt is here.
Anyone knows any other way of making the feelings go away?