Archive for April, 2007


Dang, my chatterbox just died on me

April 29, 2007

Ya, it died from inactivity and neglect.

I’m not going to get another one since it’s also going to die from inactivity and neglect. All of you jolly well use the comments.


Slacking and working

April 29, 2007


Haven’t been blogging much lately because internship has started, it’s a computer-related job so by the time I get home, I’m usually not in the mood to use the computer any more. I could blog at work of course, but I don’t cause my co-workers don’t know of this blog and I don’t really want them to.

The job’s not bad, we’re supposed to be developing something related to healthcare, but problem is, our supervisor is on leave so no one knows exactly what to assign to us. As a result, they told us to do research (ie. learn the new technologies we’re going to use) and the rest of the time we just slack. Ok, more like we just slack and the rest of the time, we do research.

The facilities are not bad, there’s a gym (but a pretty small and crappy one), my friends are always running off to it and I tag along. Everything there is spoilt except the weights, so my friends amuse themselves seeing how much they can lift. One of them can lift 70kg! O_o

Thinking of upgrading my computer with my salary… but I haven’t even earned it yet ahahaha.

Oh by the way, I’ll be on msn during office hours on weekdays.

(Psst. I’m going to view my new bike on Saturday ^^ )



April 21, 2007

Hoho. Busy doing my paperwork for my internship. Starts on Monday.

Been posted to the Institute of Infocomm Research.



April 21, 2007

My school just changed my email. And I’m damn pissed cause it’s Windows Live Hotmail, and anyway, my new user name sounds terrible. I’m not going to post it here cause I don’t want to get spam from everybody, but let’s just put it this way, it reminds me of the word ‘testicle’. In fact, I loosely ‘translated’ it to ‘Version 0.5 of the tanned testicles’.

Damn it, I don’t even have a testicle for God’s sakes.


We Are the Cyclists

April 14, 2007

Video: The Cyclists

Do not worry, he is biodegradable.



Life update

April 14, 2007

Ok, it wasn’t dengue, it was a really bad throat infection.

Got my hands on the almost complete set of episodes of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. *rubs hands* 😀

My internship company contacted me already. But my email address was so hard to spell that I had a lot of trouble telling the person how to spell it, and then I accidentally left out an underscore…. damn it. Should I call them back or just pretend that nothing happened?


Last trip to SNGS?: The Science Garden

April 14, 2007

Previous: The school hall

red-eared slider islandOne of the ponds in the Science Garden. It’s like Red-eared Slider soup in this pond, with the little critters swimming in the water and basking on the rocks.

dangerThe ponds were surrounded by these rather battered-looking signs. Seriously, who would want to go into the pond unless they fell in by accident?

ex peacock cageThe peacock cage. I was glad to see that the peacocks were gone, while they was there, they was horribly abused, people would pull out feathers from their tails, feed them all kinds of weird things, and imagine having to live in a cage like that.

I left the school and went to wander around the area outside in the rain, which had lessened to a light drizzle.

white catAnd while the drizzle drizzled, I saw this little white cat curled up like a fetus under a plastic chair. There was a grey and white cat too, but there were some ‘aunties’ sitting near it talking, and I didn’t exactly want to be on the receiving end of weird looks from them.



I’ll bet it’s dengue fever again.

April 8, 2007

So last Friday, I went to Sungei Buloh and then today I was supposed to go Punggol but I didn’t cause I overslept and suddenly felt really tired. So I went with my sis to register for bike lessons and go NTUC to buy groceries and suddenly I was racked by the worst muscle pains, and it was getting scary cause it wasn’t just my legs only, it was my whole body, and anyway the distance we walked on Friday shouldn’t give me leg pains at all.

So I went home to take a nap and woke up with a fabulous fever.

I’m betting it’s dengue fever again. Who else wants to lay a bet? (now excuse me i have to go cause my head is spinning)


Last trip to SNGS?: The school hall

April 7, 2007

Previous: Down the Stairs

blue backstageOur school hall has two stages, one blue and one red. The blue one is spooky and falling into disrepair, and the red one is still being used, but also spooky and falling into disrepair. You used to be able to go from one end to the other, but now the passage has been completely blocked by rubbish, trophies and a Malay personiquin.

The upper part of the blue backstage has been converted into a staff pantry, but I think if I poke around a bit, I might be able to find some photos of it when it wasn’t a staff pantry, unfortunately they’re not in digital format.

hallThe school hall from the blue stage.

mega nestWe found this mega-nest on the stairs outside the red stage.

grilleOne of the places that I used to go during recess, it’s still the same except that they’ve cleared the creepers from the fence, which was a pity cause it used to have weird bean things and a furry caterpillar that we kept for a few days, then suddenly it just died.

classroom blocksThe path leading from the hall to the classrooms. I used to occupy the classroom in the furthest block in the picture, and we used to keep a cat in the garden, which isn’t actually such a bad idea since it was open so the cat could still roam around the school and anyway it had ample grass to shit on so we didn’t need to worry about the shit.

Then, my friends decided to go home, and I wanted to check out the Science Garden, so I went alone.

Next: The Science Garden


Last visit to SNGS?: Down the stairs

April 7, 2007

Previous: Art Rooms II

Ok, I disappeared for almost one week, but I felt guilty so I came back to continue this photo essay.

tvIn order to reduce the disruptions caused by the PA system, the school put up these little TVs with announcements on them. I wonder if people read them now, cause I didn’t.

outside housecraft roomA passageway leading to the Housecraft rooms, one of them has somehow turned into Multi-purpose room 2. The person in the photo is my friend Lixxie.

multipurpose room 2The interior of Multi-purpose room 2.

Then, we left the New Extension (which isn’t so new any more) and went on to the General Office so my friends could collect their ‘O’ – level certs and do some other stuff that I’m not sure about.

family loungeA book fair going on at the Family Lounge, unfortunately the books were in Chinese, and although I do read Chinese books sometimes, the books being sold weren’t quite the kind I would want to read (all those stories like 小明 and 小华 went to the park or whatever).

general officeMy friends doing stuff in the new General Office. The things in the foreground are trophies, I shot this through a glass cabinet. One of the trophies was won by my sister but I didn’t go and look for it.

outside gymThe school is full of mirrors to keep away ghosts, but if you tell that to the vice-principal, she’ll kill you, and you’ll become the next ghost.

yellow signsThe invasion of the little yellow ‘Beware of wet floor’ signs.

And I missed the school hall so I decided to head down and take a look.

Next: The School Hall