Archive for October, 2007


Going to hell in a handbasket

October 31, 2007

Been seeing this guy (let’s call him KTM) recently and we do crazy things together and have a lot of fun.
Recently he confessed that he was interested in me.
Due to certain reasons, we agreed to remain as good friends, on these conditions.
1) Both parties do not expect anything from each other
2) Both parties do not expect anything to come out of our friendship
3) Whatever happens is subject to the consent of both parties.
4) If anything does come out of this relationship, it must be strictly above-ground, no hiding.
And whether we can still remain as friends would depend on how he acts in the future.
I also told him I was not willing to commit to anybody… simply cause I’m really not willing to commit to anybody at this point of time. No really.

Anyway, I do not feel it is wise to get into a relationship with him.
Apart from some more practical reasons that I shall not mention here, there is a big problem with personality too.
Which is that we are too alike.
We are both gung-ho, intense, confident, tactless, a little reckless and very strongly opinionated.
Which is one hell lot of fun if we’re on the same course, but if we ever disagree strongly about anything it will be very very ugly… with bruised egos everywhere.
(Do you smell trouble brewing already?)
A vehicle must have both an engine and brakes.
Same as a relationship. One party must be the engine, the other the brakes.
One keeps the stuff interesting, the other one stops them both from getting into too much trouble.
Unfortunately, we are both engines.
So the stuff gets really really interesting, but the consequences…. O_o
We’ll end up destroying each other.
But it’s a hell lot of fun while it lasts…


Dating test revisited

October 31, 2007

The Nymph

Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer (DBSD)

The Nymph


Sly. Sensual. Guarded. Different somehow. You are The Nymph.

It appears like you’re looking for a fling or a casual sexual relationship, but it’s not that simple. You’re a hungry but also very careful person, and this generates a certain amount of sexual tension within you and in your relationships. In other aspects of life, you get what you want. In relationships, that’s not always the case.

It’s possible you intimidate potential lovers. Most likely, though, you’re a little closed off–therefore mysterious–and, naturally, people find that difficult to get with. Maybe it’s just part of your selection process, though. You’ve been in enough relationships to know to expose yourself slowly.

When you do feel comfortable with someone, though, your torrid sexual appetite will make him very happy. Your cautious nature is also a big asset in a long-term relationship. It might take longer for love to establish itself, but when it does, it’s all the stronger.


Your exact female opposite:

The Peach

The Peach

Random Gentle Love Master

Always avoid: The False Messiah (DBLM)

Consider: The Playboy (RGSM)

Link: The Online Dating Persona Test @ OkCupid – free online dating.

Too lazy to think of a title

October 28, 2007

Devil May Cry Soundtrack!!!! AAAAAA!!!! For free!!!!!!

Nothing like a good game soundtrack to energise you while you code.
One of my dreams is to own a red van with the Devil May Cry logo on it and make the inside real nice and comfy and play DMC soundtrack and drive… ahahahahahahah

Went cycling in ubin… was worried that I wouldn’t be able to match up in terms of skill and stamina cause I’m really quite lousy.
Wanted to bring my bicycle but there was no transport again =_=”‘
Wanted to end up at Chek Jawa… my friend said, “It’s 5km leh”
I said, “It’s ok, I’ve done worse before”.
But in the end, we didn’t reach at all.
What can I say? Cycling with average girls is soooo boring.
(It is a bad sign if your entire cycling company decide to come wearing slippers)
The first hill we climbed was a little long, but not that steep really.
And at the top, suddenly all the girls needed to rest and were complaining that they were dying.
Then in the end we ended up resting more than cycling.
And they were all screaming and stuff when we left the road onto the trail and their bikes hit bumps.
Hello, I haven’t cycled seriously for like almost 1 year already so I’m not in that good condition myself.
But this is like seriously… WTF.


And worst thing was, I and the group were totally mismatched in terms of conversation topic and personality.
Would like to go back with some decent company though.
I don’t consider it a ride unless we are all aching tomorrow.

On the other hand, my damaged knee started aching again.
But the next day, it was perfectly ok.
So what exactly does that mean?



October 20, 2007

I want to ride with you, want to learn from you, want to practice together with you, want to race with you and you treat me like this.

Hey what’s your problem.

I am really very disappointed with the whole thing lor.

And I thought I’d get less of this kind of shit from more “established” organisation.
Make me want to go other stuff instead.

Ok man, I take that back it was a misunderstanding.
Now all of you try to pretend that the above didn’t exist.


Oh my big mouth

October 18, 2007

Talking to someone, somehow got myself a riding (bicycle) buddy who is involved in all kind of stuff such as motocross, diving, jetski-ing, skydiving…. etc.

SATan, don’t forget the last time you rode a bicycle was when you rode Swifty during Lantern Festival and it was so that you could have somewhere to hang your lantern and all the pyrotechnics before they were pyrotechni-fied. And you had to keep catching it before it toppled into the pond… And that was before you sprayed insect repellent all over the burning stick… and after that you tried to ride home but you were so drunk that you couldn’t push yourself up onto the bike and immediately fell off right in front of a family… and then you swerved dangerously past a little kid riding erratically on a bicycle cause your bike was too tall for you to get down gracefully without prior notice.

And the last time you had a proper “long” ‘makan’ ride was some time in the first half of this year when we went to Upper (or is it Lower?) Peirce reservoir to see wildlife but ended up with the sister fishtailing a market bike down a steep slope when its brakes suddenly failed, and not being able to go into the forested area because we didn’t want to walk all the way home if our bikes got stolen and eaten by monkeys.

And the last time you did something serious about biking was trying to learn a manual… and in the end your manual was only <20 inches high and then you gave up (how embarassing).

And the last time there was a jetski for your use, you didn’t try cause you couldn’t swim…
The last time you had the chance to go snowboarding, you didn’t sign up cause you were too fucking lazy to walk to the admin block.

And you can u-turn on a motorcycle but not on a bicycle.

And you’re so old and the only achievement you have to your name is a 2B license.
And you had a motorbike but half the time you didn’t dare to ride it.

SATan, you are such an incompetent lazy wimp.

SATan: I feel like such a wimp
Random friend: You’re not a wimp, you have a motorcycle
SATan: Argh you don’t understand, I am scared of a whole lot of stupid stupid things



October 17, 2007

SATan neglects bicycle!

Oh no!

SATan cannot see a time in the future when she can organise a bike outing!

Oh oh no!

SATan hungry for 2 wheeled vehicle again.

Gwennnn!!!! Cycliiiinnnngggggg!!!!!!


Goodbye to my bike

October 14, 2007

Ever since I lost my bike, I’ve been thinking about it, so this is a post dedicated to it as some form of a goodbye message.

Dear RXZ,
I didn’t use to treat you well, please forgive me.
I wanted to make it up to you but looks like I don’t have the chance now.
Hope you are ok and your new owner(s) are good to you.

What I love about my bike:
Engine sound – very shiok when going fast… however sometimes I found it a little too embarassingly loud.
And seldom give me any big problems.
Everytime I ride, it makes me very happy.
Cannot really compare performance cause it is the only bike I ever owned and the only bike I have ever ridden (not counting the circuit ones of course)

AND IT IS A MOTORCYCLE!!! (Very important for a little kid like me…)

What I hate about my bike:
At relatively slow speed (around 90km/h… sometimes even less)… mirror vibrate like hell and cannot see anything.
Bike also vibrate like hell… O_o As in I have to really grip handlebars and tank to stop it from vibrating and shaking…
Maybe it’s influenced by the rider weight?
Cause I am not very heavy compared to other RXZ riders.

But all this is secondary now.
Got to move into a new stage of my biking life.
And ride my new BMW (bus, MRT, walk)

If anyone has any information about this bike, pls drop me a comment.


Never thought I’d be bike hunting again…

October 13, 2007

A friend advised me to write off my RXZ and claim whatever I can from the insurance to buy a new bike. He feels that the bike is likely to be recovered only after it has been abandoned. From his experience, abandoned bikes are usually not worth keeping anymore since they’re in very very bad condition, all scratched and dented with all the good parts swapped out.

Well, luckily I still have some savings in the bank…
Never thought I’d be hunting for 2B bikes again at a time like this, when my 2A license is just a few months away…

Thinking of going for a second hand bike this time round, due to cash constraints.
Maybe a scrambler this time… KTM200 or WR200… then can join in the motocross… ahahahah.
I have a thing for extremes of size, I love pocketbikes and pitbikes, but at the same time, my GT Avalanche (bicycle) is so tall that no one believes it belongs to me… and its just a size S.
Or maybe just go for NSR SP… I used to want an NSR SP when I was still taking my license… maybe this is the time to get 1…

still have to consider whether “new” bike will get stolen too.
Feel like buying a $900 RXZ and overhaul… then I might end up with 2 crappy RXZs.

And if the RXZ comes back and it is really fucked up bad… maybe assess the condition and see whether it’s worth an overhaul.
Then give it to my sis as a ‘buang buang’ bike…
And let my friends use it as a ‘buang buang’ bike…

Damn, means I have to postpone my Super4… ahhh shit.

Ah hell… maybe I should think about this later.
Don’t tempt the thief again so quickly.


Well, on a lighter note…

October 12, 2007

‘my cute ssdc instructor blog’
‘school signes wet floor pichers’
‘anorexic tiger’

… and these are some of the terms that people typed in search engines to get to my blog.


2nd day of waiting…

October 12, 2007

‘If you love something, let it go. If it comes back it’s yours, that’s how you know.’

Second day of waiting… still no news.
Officially terminated my insurance today.
Thank you all of those people who helped me in one way or another.

Gwen, Gwen’s brother, Shanwen, Tian Tian (through my sister), CX, Xia Wen, Yong Wee, Tio Yong, Edward from MSSC, Muthu, Dennis, my dad and many others…

Thank you for your help and encouraging words.
I really appreciate it.
*doesn’t know how to express this feeling in words*