Archive for July, 2007


On a lighter note…

July 29, 2007

Lol.  All the depressing posts lately.

This blog is becoming a complain blog! Ahhhhhhh NOOOOOO!!!!!

Sometime in the future when I have a bit (actually, a lot) of extra time, I might post a post on Extreme Shopping Trolley Stunts to balance out the negativeness. Cause I’ve kind of amassed a small collection of (kinda lame) stunts you can do with a supermarket shopping trolley and it’d be sad if no one is doing them anymore, right? ;p
(Don’t bet your ass on it though, I’ve having trouble even finding time for myself now)

Anyway, something a little more positive:
Kent is a great band.


Everything on hold

July 29, 2007

My poor bikey.

Think I won’t have time to ride him this week. Or next week. Or the week after next. Or the… hell, could be for the next few months for all I know.

Cause everyday its been tired, rain, busy, tired, rain, busy (x1000)

From what I heard, if you don’t ride your motorbike for more than 1 week, you’re supposed to start storing it already.
Storing, as opposed to just parking. Like fill up the tank to stop it from rusting and a million other things that I have no idea what they’re talking about.
It is making me kind of worried.

Lol, some people have a lot of time and some people have too little time.
I desperately need a dental checkup and I need to get a dictionary.
But unfortunately…. it’s a sad day when you tell yourself, I have to do xxx, and then you have no freaking idea which obscure point in the future you can actually do it cause you just can’t find a timeslot anywhere to slot it and you know it will be like that for the next few months, years even.
Can’t even get the time for a decent dinner sometimes.
Sleeping pattern is wonderfully screwed up now, come home, collapse into bed, wake up at 3a.m. cause I forgot to brush my teeth. Brush teeth, bathe, sleep remaining 2 hrs.
I don’t know about you, but I hate hate hate that kind of life.

And sadly, I have to say,
This year I might have…. NO BAYBEATS?



July 28, 2007

Has anyone ever considered what it would be like to spend the rest of your teenage-hood with (almost)full adult responsibilities and having to take care of someone else? (Taking adulthood as being above 21, of course)

(And not go shopping and not take new courses as and when you like and not go out and play with your friends and not take so many risks and all that stuff… haha superficial stuff, I know I know)

At 19 I shouldn’t be complaining. It’s just 2 years before I become an adult anyway.
But still, one doesn’t expect…

When things can no longer go back to normal, one’s concept of normal must change.

Hey, maybe I’ve been too spoilt all these years and now it’s payback time ahahahah


Passing on the “good” stuff

July 22, 2007

I feel quite sorry for my sister who will inherit my motorbike after she gets her license, and by then I’ll have completely trashed the engine and it probably won’t go beyond 40km/h anymore.

And by then, I’ll probably be trashing the hell out of a brand new Honda Super4.
So when she gets her 2A, she’ll inherit a Super4 that can’t go beyond 40km/h.

Kind of laughably sad, but… LOL


The sky freaking hates me!

July 22, 2007


I decided to risk the rain and got my stuff, started up my bike and rode out to buy dinner.

Embarassingly, I dragged gear a lot today. And the bike was damn loud and everyone was staring at me.
And the worst thing is I haven’t even completed my first stage of run-in yet! Dragging gear while running-in == not good
At least I didn’t redline it, cause I’m pretty light-handed, I don’t think it is possible for me to redline it without knowing it.
But it was something like 7000 rpm, pretty close already.
Considering that you’re supposed to keep it below 4000 rpm for first stage of run-in.
But seriously, if you keep it below 4000 rpm, won’t you be going pathetically slow?

I find that I tend to drag gear when I’m not alert that day, sick or tired or whatever.
Well, today I took my bike out and I instantly regretted taking it out when I was on the road.
I was really really not alert enough, the road in front of me seemed like in a dream. You know, that kind of detached, “floaty” kind of feeling, where everything no longer seems relevant to you.
And my cornering today really O_o, but at least I didn’t go into the wrong lane.
So I decided to go slow before I got into a really bad situation.
Ended up dragging my gears a lot.

Then first, I overshot my turn. So I decided to go eat elsewhere cause I was lazy to navigate back.
Then it started to drizzle and I thought, “Oh shit,” and rode back home cause I didn’t want to get pneumonia.
When I got off, there was this kind of weird smell, don’t know if the engine had overheated or it usually smelled like that after a ride but I didn’t realise it before.
Parked the bike, covered it (although it was still warm, don’t know whether it’s good to cover a warm bike or not).
Then I went upstairs and the rain had freaking stopped.

I really felt like throwing stuff at the sky then.

*throws stuff at sky*

Well, I wasn’t going to go down again, and have the rain start again, and not eat my dinner until 2000 hrs playing hide-and-seek with the sky.
So I ended up eating cha soba and a fried egg.
Actually I ended up frying two eggs cause I put too much oil (damn, nearly said petrol) in the pan.
So now I have one fried egg sitting unwanted on a plate and I’m sitting in front of the computer having an Internet dinner.
A very un-nutritious Internet dinner.
Anyone want to bet how long it’ll take before SATan damages her motorbike/suffers from malnutrition?

(Sorry for all the recent whining, but being sick makes you really miserable. It’ll pass, it’ll pass)


Sick, hungry, puking, alone and feeling completely %$#%%$ing miserable

July 22, 2007


Dinner trays are an abomination.
They won’t fit in the sink, and they’re so freakishly huge compared to normal dishes that they splash water everywhere.
So why do the other members of my family insist on using them at breakfast and then I have to wash the silly things cause I’m the only one with a bit of spare time left over to wash the dishes?
Just put the dishes on the damn tablecloth, and I’ll wipe it afterwards, with much less trouble!

It’s coming close to dinnertime, and the sky looks ominously dark. Perhaps it will rain, and if it rains I won’t be able to ride my motorbike out for dinner which means that I’ll have to fix up my own dinner, which isn’t really that bad except that there’s no canned food in the house, there’s not a single leaf of vegetable in the house, and I’m sick so I can’t prepare the “instant” fried chicken cause it’ll aggravate my sore throat.

Probably something like cha soba and an egg, and I’ll probably have to do something about all that ancient meat in the fridge, which is very nice cause I’ve never really tried preparing anything related to meat. And there are ABSOLUTELY NO VEGETABLES. Yeah, so I’m not having any fibre today and I’m going to get constipated.

But anything’s better than having oatmeal again. (I’ve been having oatmeal for the last few days every time I feel too tired to go downstairs or it’s raining or whatever). And if I have any more oatmeal, I think I’ll suffer from malnutrition.

I think I wouldn’t be having such a problem if I was doing the grocery shopping.
It really sucks when you’re the only one who eats your three meals at home and someone else is doing the grocery shopping and you end up with absolutely nothing in the fridge except stuff like milk and eggs and the normal breakfast stuff cause the person forgot that you have to eat dinner and lunch too.
I’d go buy my own groceries myself and ferry them home on my motorbike handlebars (one person can’t eat that much anyway), except that I’m not the holder of the member card. And well, let’s just say at a very busy period, it’s almost impossible to arrange to do anything properly with someone else.

Oh shit…. I started gagging again, and now I’m throwing up lots and lots of white foamy spit.
And I need to go back to work tomorrow too.

Damn, now it’s 1800 and there’s thunder as well as dark skies. I don’t know if I should go out or not.
The last thing I want to do is get caught in the rain and come down with pneumonia.
Alone with pneumonia and having to fend for yourself. That is a scary thought.
(Come to think of this, there are scarier thoughts, such as being 10 years old, having pneumonia, having to fend for yourself, having no money and living with an abusive parent on top of that.
Ok ok, I admit I am still a lucky person 🙂 )

Ah, fuck everything. This is just freaking ridiculous.
Just freaking freaking ridiculous.
But at the same time, it’s not like any of the other people involved can do anything to improve the situation.
Just make the best of this, SATan, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
(Not like you’re going to be killed by this kind of small problem, so yeah, you’ll get stronger ^^)



Stranded and puking

July 20, 2007

Today SATan was down with a throat infection. Actually she was down with a throat infection yesterday too, but today, it had escalated into a cold.

Well, for some reason she was alone at home and needed to get her own dinner and so she decided to ride her bike out and get some dinner.

She went to her bike and realised that someone had flipped up its cover. She didn’t think anything of it until she was riding along on the road and suddenly she realised that some monkey had twisted her left mirror. So she was forced to use her head to check left. She was mighty pissed, but fortunately it was only her left mirror.

There was a small lot in the carpark that looked a little hard to get to, but she parked her bike there anyway (something she would regret later).

So she got her dinner and came back to her bike and suddenly she realised that it would be a miracle if she managed to get her bike out of the lot, what with her big triangle :p and all.

What’s more, she suddenly felt like puking. (she still feels like puking now, she has no idea why, but wanting to puke in your house is very different from wanting to puke when you’re supposed to ride your motorbike home).

So she wandered around wondering what to do (more about the puking than the getting the bike out of the lot) and there was this guy (with some kind of sportbike, I didn’t really see what model cause I was busy trying not to puke) nearby watching her wander around with her hand over her mouth while making strange gagging noises.

Well, at last she decided to go into Sheng Siong and buy some Ricola lozenges to kind of ‘hold back’ the puking until she got home. Then she ate one, started her bike and decided to just ignore the puking and get her bike home cause at least it was only a short distance.

Then she realised that she could not reverse out of the lot. Hot damn.

She didn’t want to be stranded in the carpark until the bikes all went away, especially cause she didn’t know when she would really start puking. So she looked around and saw that the guy with the sportsbike had gotten up and was staring at her.

So being her usual ugly-bimbotic thick-face-skin self, she said, “‘Scuse me! Could you please help me get my bike out of the lot? You know what they say about girls and parking… heheh”.

And fortunately, he was nice enough to help her get the bike out of the lot, it was such a tight fit that he had to stand beside it and slowly push it out.

I forgot whether I thanked him properly or not. So anyway,
Thank you, sportsbike-guy, if you’re reading this.
Without you I would be puking and stranded in the carpark forever.
Thank you so much.
May you have a safe ride.

And fortunately, I had a safe (but still ‘blur’) ride too.
At least I didn’t puke all over my bike, if that is some consolation.


Just a random comment…

July 16, 2007

Remembers what her instructor used to tell her when she was still learning motorcycle at SSDC: Next time, you’ll find riding is just like walking.
Walking… hurh… er…. ok. Right. Walking. (Steps into a hole by accident and falls flat on her face)

My motorbike got caught in a sudden downpour today.
He was soaked!
Now I have to lube the chain… but I don’t even know how to lube the chain, and I don’t even know where to get the lube, or what lube to buy, or anything like that!
(Imagines herself being “chopped” silly by the bikeshop)
Well since I’m going to have to buy some lube anyway, maybe I should go get a second helmet.
Not cause I’m intending to carry a pillion for transport purposes, but because both me and my sis are hopeless at carrying pillions so we hope to do some “experimenting”.
Hee hee hee!
Don’t worry, we are safety-conscious (read ‘kiasi’… or scared of dying) people. We’ll do it in an ahem… controlled environment.
Don’t tell anybody 😉

Was parking my bike today.
There was a little area for bikes to park, with a little ramp leading up to it. So I went up the ramp and parked my bike and went off to buy ‘tao huey zhui’ (soya bean milk).
When I came back, this car had parked itself in front of the ramp, with only a space slightly larger than the width of a dinner tray between it and the ramp.
I wasn’t sure if I could ride down the ramp and not hit the car, especially with such little margin for error and my gigantic orange triangle :p
So I pedalled down the ramp and rode off after passing the car.
Erm… owner of the car… I wouldn’t park there if I were you.
Firstly, parking in front of the ramp is an invitation for exiting motorbikes to leave lovely bike-shaped patterns in your car body.
And by leaving a tiny little gap, you’re tempting motorbikes to attempt riding down the ramp and if they can’t turn in time… *crash*
What’s more, since you’re parking your car, you’re not likely to be around. Then if any biker were to hit your car, of course he would scram.
Who would you hold responsible then?


9 to 5 (or in my case, 8.30 – 6)

July 16, 2007

The most depressing thing about working normal work hours is that your life becomes depressingly like everyone else’s.

Monday to Friday, work your ass off, go home, fall into bed unconscious despite all the wonderful plans you made to bring bike out for a spin, update your blog, install (not even play) your new game, etc.

Saturday, spend half the day asleep trying to catch up on all the sleep you missed out on during the week, rush to do all those crap like check whether your employer has given you your salary yet before the bank closes, do all those government stuff like pay bills (fortunately I don’t have much bills to pay yet), rush to buy all those things and send stuff for repairs from all those weird places that only open on Saturday (and half-day only mind you). Etc etc etc.

Sunday, go do your less important errands, buy groceries, buy whatever crap your home needs like toilet paper, cook, clean house (sometimes only he he he he), exercise (haven’t been doing this for donkey’s years), accompany family members here, accompany family members there, etc etc etc.

And in the rare event you have nothing to do on a Sunday, it probably involves something like this: wow I finally have a weekend where I have nothing to do! Must make the most of it by enjoying myself, firstI’llgotoeastcoastparkandcycleandtheni’llgotoorchardroadandthenandthen….
Probably involves going to east coast park and jostling with everyone and their grandmother who’s decided to go there then coming home and falling into bed in a dead faint and then waking up in a big shit because you overslept and now you can’t carry out the rest of your lovely plans cause it’s too late and you’ll regret it forever cause it’s Monday tomorrow.

The result is, everywhere you go, the whole place is crowded with people with the exact same idea as you.

Go to East Coast Park? Everyone thought of going there already for their weekend family outing and now you have to crawl through crowds and crowds of little kids, their parents, their grandparents, not to mention secondary school students out on class outings, etc. And anyway, the bikes are super expensive to rent on weekends.

Go to the park downstairs to exercise? Sorry, everyone thought of that already. So you have to do your morning run/bike while slaloming through little kids on tricycles, entire families walking stretched out across the path, power-walking aunties, etc.

Go to Orchard road? You probably don’t need me to elaborate on this one… anyway in my humble opinion, Orchard road is only good for buying piles and piles of nice things that you later find out you don’t really need. Things like nice clothes, nice shoes, nice tinkly jewelry bits and nice bikini waxes.

Go to NTUC Xtra Hypermart and buy groceries? Everyone thought of that already too! And now you have to push a shopping trolley loaded precariously with daily necessities while navigating it through some kind of anarchic shopping trolley traffic jam. And don’t get me started on the traffic around that area… a combination of heavy traffic and poor road planning =_=”‘.

Good Lord, give me a break. I’ve been hanging around people for the whole fucking week and now along comes the weekend and I have to hang around with yet more people again?

Normally, I’d choose to do my stuff at strange hours, such as riding my bicycle in the park at night on weekdays, riding my motorcycle in the early mornings or late at night, etc. but the fact is, because of my normal working hours, I get tired at about the same time as everyone else does. Therefore, at night on weekdays I’ve probably already collapsed into bed in a dead faint, in the early mornings I’d still be in lying in bed with my alarm clock turned off by everyone else in the house who kept getting woken up by its snooze alarm, and late at night on weekends I’m already kinda tired and besides, my parents don’t let me step out of the house and when I try they stare at me with this damn angry expression and tell me about rapists and robbers and molesters.

I’m under the impression that it’s not that Singapore is too crowded, it’s just that the crowd isn’t evenly distributed. As in during weekday mornings, you can actually enjoy yourself in a lovely people-sparse environment, and I tell you, jogging or cycling in the empty park with only the monkeys (and an occasional jogger) for company is totally shiok, and so is cycling at East Coast Park (especially if you rode all the way there from your house), and riding your motorcycle through sparse traffic at a time when the sun isn’t out yet is even better. You can actually choose your groceries at leisure without having to grip the trolley like you’re entering a battlefield and having to shove all your opponents out of the way, and even Orchard road is somewhat more relaxing with only tourists and the occasional tai-tai around.

On weekends, it’s like whambamslam everyone out to have a good time, in the same place, at the same time.

For this reason, I find a job with normal working hours pretty unappealing.
I think I’d make a really great gravedigger. Or a night watchman.


Things that make me happy

July 1, 2007

Coincidentally, I’m out of kimchi right now 😦

Yum yum. ‘Nuff said.

Korean kueh
You can get some of your own from here: link
I think they have another outlet in Novena but don’t bet your ass on it.

And this video!
Ebihara Yuri is such a lovely angel. How can anyone look at her and not melt? If she made that cute face at me, I don’t think I’d be able to deny her anything…. and I’m a girl. But I don’t think it’d work in real life though, cause she’s taller than me -_-“‘