Archive for the ‘Random Internet Stuff’ Category


The girls from BikeAsia 2008 speak

April 19, 2008

Oh oh oh lol.

(Warning: does not work on Firefox)


Quiz thing from *someone*

April 17, 2008

What first comes to mind when you first hear the following words?

Axe: An electric guitar with some badass shape like a B.C. Rich
Chainsaw: A guitar-chainsaw. Man, that would be badass. (Now why the hell did you start me on the topic of guitars?)
Dog: (No more dog-shaped guitars, hahahaha) Cute medium-sized furry brown thing with friendly eyes and its tongue lolling out of its mouth
Cat: Cute little furry ginger thing sitting on my bike seat when it rains and MAKING MY BIKE MUDDY AND TEARING BIG HOLES IN MY COVER.
Crow: Those black Kingshaw thingys lor
Television: Idiot box
Plastic: Plastic stool
Metal: Metal tank
Fire: Fireblade
Water: Waterfall or watering can, whichever one you prefer
Pigeon: Nasty things that shit on everything
Pie: Something large and round with a crust… no, not the earth
Blood: Pigs blood, and other kinds of blood that females are very familiar with, we shall not go there
Death: Dying lor
Bunnies: I LOVE RAINBOWS YES I DO, A RAINBOW FOR ME AND A RAINBOW FOR *muacks* YOU!!! (Or at least that’s what it sounded like)
Flowers: I LOVE FLOWERS YES I… Ok let’s not start this.
Sun: Hot, but also means it’s time to get the bikes (or blades) out and have some fun!
Frilly pink dress: Eeeee

What first comes to mind when you first hear the following adjective?

Hot: Hot ah!
Cold: Cold ah!
Wet: Wet ah… Ok here’s a serious answer, being out on your bike when it rains and having the water run down everything and making your hands slippery so the controls slip out of your hands O_o
Fried: Fried food like KFC. You crave it but when you actually have it, it doesn’t taste as good as you expected. Despite that, soon you start to crave it again. Bah.
Funny: Ha ha ha ha
Sad: Wah wah wah wah
Forlorn: Orh, poor baby. *pat pat*
Happy: Yay!
Hyper: Yipeeee!!! Whooo-hoo-hoo-hooooooooooo!!!!
Depressed: Go away. *makes cuts in arm*
Bouncy: Boing!!! *bounces up and down on something really bouncy, like a trampoline or a vehicle with lousy suspension going up a dirt road with an inattentive driver*
Stiff: Like me now
Stretchy: Like those yoga people
Wobbly: If you want to see wobbly you go to the SSDC practical 1 mini circuit and hang around there.
Dark: Like the fog around my head
Bright: Like the rest of the room

What first comes to mind when you hear the following verbs?

Jump: Boing. People jumping. Bikes jumping. Etc.
Walk: People from some similar organisation (i.e. a school) doing some “Healthy workout walkathon” thing with the very “on” ones in front running and all the slackers chit chatting behind, and aunties wearing sun hats and trackpants gossiping while they walk.
Run: A marathon. Lots of muscles, brown people and colours.
Drink: Something nice and cold and probably with too much empty calories.
Fight: Bish bonk bish bonk and everyone hitting each other on the head with random hard objects
Rant: Michael Kiske lol
Complement: Something that most people tell you when they want to get something out of you
Sit: Sitting down lor
Stand: Standing up lor
Spin: Take Knut out for a spin
Call: Ring ring hello?
Whistle: Police
Ask: May I have this?
Beg: May I have this? I really need it, please? It’d do me *bla bla bla* much good if you gave it to me (Which doesn’t work anyway cause most people are only interested in doing things that will benefit them in some way…. so trying to show people how much you need it and will die without it is just plain lame)
Give: Here take it.
Take: Thank you.
Slash: *waits till person’s back is turned and hacks him up with a hacksaw* I didn’t mean to give it to him anyway muwahahahahahaha ;D


Things are scarier in the dark…

January 14, 2008

LOL! Funny Thai advertisement.


Tata Nano

January 13, 2008

Tata Nano, the least expensive production car in the world

Ooo, it costs about the price of a first-hand class 2B motorcycle!

Ooo, it probably will be classified as a car and after all the taxes and COE, it’ll hardly be worth it at all.

The other thing I am concerned about is that if 5 fat people sit in it and drive it into NUS (National University of Singapore, where the terrain is relatively bumpier than the rest of flat flat Singapore), will it be able to go up the slopes at a suitably fast speed?


I’m in there!

January 6, 2008 Unfortunate chinese names


Where’s Mr. Wang?

January 6, 2008

Is it just me or has been taken over by an advert?

What a pity…


Beautiful Fighters by Ayumi

January 5, 2008

Ok this has nothing to do with bikes but…. kawaii… *love*


Greatful Days by Ayumi

January 4, 2008

Another bike-related Ayumi MV.
Rider didn’t look like he landed too well after crashing through the glass O_o


Startin’ by Ayumi Hamasaki

January 4, 2008

Hot babe on a sports bike.
Now if the bike leaned along with her and she didn’t keep closing and opening her throttle while steadily accelerating, it be perfect.


Bicycle riding instructional video… not!

January 4, 2008

Ayumi “riding” a bicycle.
Should make May, Evon and C watch this lol.

Adorable Ayumi….
Would willingly let her crash my motorbike if she wanted…
(I don’t think she would dare though…)