Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Som Vatten

June 17, 2008

“Rain licks the whole city
Like a damp, cold tongue
Everything is pavement dirty water
For the lanterns to be reflected in
Going, going past!
All people are shiny like ice
And you get stuck under the light
like a photograph

I see you
I see you
I see you
And I know that you are afraid”

It rained at night just before bed.


Blue tracksuit guy

April 18, 2008

Today I met the owner of the new bike downstairs. It’s an FBC plate scooter with a p-plate. Which I noticed cause ours are the only bikes that are covered around the area. Rider was a guy in a blue tracksuit.

I met him coming into the carpark and seeing his uber-slow, cautious cornering and very very obvious p-plate, I decided to be nice and not overtake him. He saw me following him and moved off to the side. I thought he was going to park but later when I was wrapping up Knut (lol), I saw a guy in a blue tracksuit also covering his bike. And I was like hey, isn’t that the new bike? So I hurriedly wrapped Knut and went to take the lift cause it’s good to know fellow riders in your block.

I think he was pretty shocked that I was actually so small and I didn’t have a p-plate anymore and he was still a p-plater lols. And he said Knut was good-looking and I was like no la, he’s an old bike already haha.

And I told him to be careful about his bike cause it was very new and I told him the whole rexz story. At first he was not worried as he had bought third-party fire and theft insurance but after I told him the whole claiming fiasco (I haven’t blogged about it because it hasn’t been resolved yet, even after half a year =_=”‘) i think he thought otherwise. I told him to get a lock for his bike and he said he would.

Nice to meet fellow riders around your block 🙂 The only ones I know now are blue tracksuit scooter guy, CG125 guy and yellow super4 guy. Think there aren’t any more though…


Attention: People who lived in Singapore in 2007

March 13, 2008

Here’s a message from some NUS Geography students:

Dear all,

My group is doing a GIS project mapping the earthquake tremors felt in
Singapore in 2007 with the underlying geology. We are looking at a
random sample of 500 respondents. This is a very very short survey and
we really appreciate it if you could help us with it! Thank you! 🙂

Valerie, Puey Ling, Si En


Halal food

March 10, 2008

Halal food: Unites or divides?

Hello my muslim friends,

I like my pork. I also like you.

Therefore, let’s have a compromise: When we’re together, you decide whether you prefer a halal foodcourt or a non-halal one ok?

After all, I don’t mind eating anything (within reason)
And I can eat pork on all the other days anyway, it’s ok 🙂

But don’t ban non-halal food courts cause I like my pork and therefore I would get kinda mad.


Pinning the blame on others has reached a new low

March 9, 2008

Building got arrowed! Whoopee!!!


January 11, 2008

We do not live, we consume. The decline of being into having, and having into merely appearing.