Archive for June 5th, 2007


First warm up

June 5, 2007

Some time ago, I brought my red bicycle to get the brake cable fixed and paid the guy $1 to fix it for me cause I was lazy. Took it out to ride at night, then realised that the guy didn’t adjust my brakes properly and the brake pads were rubbing against the wheel for the entire ride cause we didn’t bring a spanner.
The moral of the story is: After bringing your bike for servicing, be sure to check it yourself before riding cause the shop person might not have set it up properly.

Today was the first time I warmed up my motorbike.
It was pretty difficult to start cause the engine was cold, so I pulled out the choke to start it. Then I throttled to warm it up and suddenly I had a terrible thought: Didn’t my friend say that I had to close the choke before I throttled?
I had thoughts of me damaging the engine and they weren’t very pleasant.
Anyway, I warmed up the bike, went to work and smsed my friend to ask him if I had damaged my new bike beyond repair.
He replied that what I had done was ok and wouldn’t damage the bike, it’s just that I shouldn’t ride in >= second gear with the choke out.
What a relief.
On my way home, I went over to make sure the choke was closed. While I was away, it had rained all over my bike and the cover was slightly damp.
Yes, I don’t ride to work, and I don’t intend to ride to work while I’m doing my internship, but I’ll have to discuss the reasons in another post cause it’s getting late and I still need to work tomorrow.